Producer Institution
Building (PIB)


An Institution can become vibrant and can maintain a sustainable growth provided the stake holders are very clear of/ aware of their institutional values, vision, mission and its objectives and should put them in to practice. In this context Producer Institution Building (PIB) has started functioning mainly to cater to the needs of education, training and capacity building which may promote the principles of mutuality and mutual assistance among stakeholders.

Under the sub project plan of Village Based Milk Procurement System (VBMPS) of National dairy Plan (NDP) PIB has laid down series programmes like Producers Awareness Programme, Women Awareness Programme and Quality Clean Milk Production Programmes for the benefit of the milk producers across the operational areas.

In order to motivate and to identify milk producers with exceptional leadership qualities, a unique LeaderShip Development programme is being conducted from the inception. Such oriented beneficiaries will guide and assist the grass root level institutions and the governance.

Keeping in mind the importance of orienting the Board of Directors in updating their knowledge and skill in the business operations and effective governance, business orientation workshop and governance strategy workshops are conducted periodically. An exposure visits for sharing of the experiences and learning are also arranged with other MPC.

PIB is also actively involved in new member mobilisation exercise as per the envisaged business plans and is also taking lead in educating members to contribute the patronage based equity.


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